Toccoa River Fishing Report: July 15, 2024

Toccoa River Fishing Report

Toccoa River Tailwater Report

Summer time is in full swing but the fish are still biting!

At Tammen Park, just below the dam, the water is still holding steady in the high 50s. This cooler water is keeping the trout active, especially in the early mornings and late afternoons.

Moving downstream the water starts to heat up the further you get away from the dam. The river has been temping around 63 degrees at Horseshoe Bend Park and will continue to rise as we get further into the summer.

We recommend always keeping a thermometer with you and checking water temps throughout the summer to help keep the trout healthy and happy. With all trout especially the bigger ones try to get them to the net as quickly as possible and get them released ASAP. As the water warms up the oxygen levels drop and the trout have a harder time staying healthy.

Fly Selection

Early mornings and evenings can give you an opportunity at some great dry fly fishing. Light Cahills, Mayflies and Terrestrials are all on the menu, but always remember to take your time and observe bugs and any fish rising to best match any hatch that is happening. For dry dropper setups we have been having luck with size 12 black and purple, and gold chubby chernobly’s. For the dropper, size 14-16 Pheasant Tails, Frenchies, Flash Back Hare’s Ear, size 10 Mocha Rubber Legs have all still been working great.

As always, remember to check the Dam Generation Schedule before heading out to the river, and if you are interested in a guided trip we would love to give you the best experience!

Tight lines and happy fishing!


Toccoa River Fishing Report: August 20, 2024